I was
here too / On my way
a homeless gap between two addresses in Antwerp, I spent a week as artist in residence at Z33
in Hasselt, invited by bolwerK in the context of the program "nepotists opportunists freaks friends
and strangers intersecting in the grey zone". I reached there with no
specific plans.
Day One.
Keys. Room. Nothing. Map.
I had an address, then I had none. I will soon have another one,
actually I already have it, on a contract that hasn't reach me yet.
Part of my stuff is stored at the new address in ten boxes, part of it
is at the old address in a box, a suitcase and a bag, and another small
bag is at W's.
Day three.
Easter. Sunday. Kebab and frietjes with mayonnaise.
The weather
is playing a joke. Each time the sun seems to take over the
clouds, by the time I get ready to go for a walk it rains again.
There is an ironic link between the rhythm of the weather and that of
the wireless connection. There are chocolate eggs in plastic bags on the table - for the staff, with name labels on them. It reminds me of painted boiled eggs,
festive meals and cakes of my childhood Easters, and of how we used to
prepare them together. And of one specific Easter, after which Easter
ceased to mean Easter and the word homesick made me feel sick.
is never about dialogue, even less about
“communication”; far from being a harmonious
discussion aiming at rational consensus, philosophy is more akin to a
violent encounter between heterogeneous forces that might open up the
possibility of thinking the New". Gilles Deleuze and
Felix Guattari,
What is Philosophy?
Day four.
Monday. Wax fingers.
Grey in its full plenitude. Hot, liquid, viscous. Cold, solid, silky. Same place, same technique,
five new three dimensional fingerprints. White on white. White on wood.
White next to green and white.
Day five.
Sun. New guest. Interventions. Sun. Invisible glue. Traces, anonymity undone. A name card, somewhere in
the shadow zone of the grey zone. A zone still to be defined.
Day six.
Label. Announcement. Departure.
Marking a transitory presence and interference in the
Under the label, on the floor, I place the candle I used to glue the